Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Cock-Out Attitude


Are your minds filled with thoughts of how it would have felt to be firmly gripped by the hands of that hunk, breaking all the personal boundaries, feeling his hot breathe, his sweaty arms, standing crotch to crotch and pushed tightly towards each other? Well mine definitely is. Now if you're a keen observer, you must have got the hunk's name. If you didn't, he is Adrian Armas who happens to be an actor as well as a dancer. I bet if I get a hot trainer like that, I would seriously consider learning dancing. And I would be even more happy if I were his only student!

Crazy Sam's Bloginess
"So are you ready to be my student?"

I especially loved his dialogue:
"y'know.. first thing 'bout being a guy is.. y'know.. you lean with your cock.. y'know.. it's.. everything is.. cock-out."

Hmm.. cock-out. That's a term I'm liking very much. Now coming to think of it, most of the guys that get my attention do have the cock-out attitude, you know.. while they sit, stand, talk.. coz it's a sign of how confident he is. So there you have it! A term to ponder upon for the rest of your day. Let me give you an exercise too. See how many guys around you have this cock-out attitude and what do you feel about them. Okay okay, I'm stopping this nonsense talk, but before that, check out more pics of Adrian Armas.

Crazy Sam's BloginessCrazy Sam's BloginessCrazy Sam's Bloginess

Crazy Sam's Bloginess

And thanks to Ryan, from whose blog I got to see this video in the first place. So blame him for inspiring me to write this post!

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